Academic Exchange

Academic Exchange Insurance
Academic Health Advantage
Designed for students studying abroad or scholars of cultural exchange programs. Coverage is designed to meet the U.S. J1 and J2 visa travel insurance requirements.
Whom the plan is designed for
Medical insurance for international students or scholars participating in a sponsored study abroad program
Coinsurance in PPO network or student health center within the U.S.: Company pays 100%
Deductible of $100
Maximum limit for student: $500,000
For Individuals
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View Helth Advantage
Academic Health Advantage Platinum
Designed for students studying abroad or scholars of cultural exchange programs. Coverage is designed to meet the U.S. J1 and J2 visa travel insurance requirements.
Whom the plan is designed for
Medical insurance for international students or scholars participating in a sponsored study abroad program
Coinsurance in PPO network or student health center within the U.S.: Company pays 100%
Maximum limit for student: $1,000,000
Provides coverage for mental health, organized sports and pre-existing conditions​
For Individuals
Four Group
View Helth Advantage